Managing finances is the most important factor in business success as well as in personal success. Taking control of money assets and keeping that control is essential, ranking right up there with the proper management of human resources (people). Once you have the right people in place and your production process or service program is operating, finances will take on increasing importance.
Having the right people in place to direct the use of finances, especially experienced and knowledgeable individuals, will be crucial to company growth and to a healthy bottom line, of course. As with any other sector within the organisation, financial managers don’t get to the proper skill level without quality training and time focused on the task. When it’s necessary for someone in the organisation to learn new financial concepts and to have a strong grasp of new methods, you’d be wise to make the finest training available to these individuals.
More than Money
Start with the basic finance and financial management course that will be suitable for anyone who needs to learn more about this field of work. There are course levels for all participants including new managers with limited experience, mid-level managers who need to refresh their fund of knowledge and learn new methods, and senior financial analysts who may want to specialise by fine-tuning their skills in financial statement analysis.
Most aspects of business finance are covered including analysis of statements, business budgeting, reporting, standards for International Finance Reporting, financial planning, internal auditing, fraud prevention, financial risk management, treasury management, capital markets, and financial modelling. The training is provided by experts who have extensive real-world experience as well as knowledge of the most difficult concepts. They are also qualified and comfortable in the training and classroom setting, which makes the courses very productive.
For the new managers in your financial sector, there are courses in advanced accounting and budgeting as well as one-week sessions for financial development training for non-financial personnel. Taking the training to another level are courses in advanced financial analysis, corporate finance, and advanced financial crime compliance. It’s also possible to learn more about internal auditing with several one-week courses offered at different levels as well as a two-week course in strategic internal auditing.
A Closer Look
Among the dozens of courses offered by one of the leading providers of business and corporate training are sessions specifically for insurance portfolio management, financial modelling, and treasury management. Almost every business, even some of the smaller ones, is now competing in a global economy so it’s important to understand the international implications of company finance. Training is offered in this sector including International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS).
While you could try to learn some of this information on your own, your results will be infinitely better when you take the opportunity to work with professionals who are adept at presenting these content-rich courses. The process has been honed to perfection over a period of years with sessions in everything from law and public relations to human resources and, of course, finance.